So the last time I blogged was back in March, all these while I was just too “busy” with work but I figured I need to document this milestone at the very least.
I started to worry months ago that Tyler was still unable to use the potty then on July 27th … I was reading the Parent Magazine online to seek advice from other parents who experienced the same with their child and came across one article that tells it all … I decided that we have to put this to an end if we wanted Tyler to learn how to use the potty. The day I went home I hid the remaining diapers in the closet and told him that he would have to use the potty as we are giving away his diapers, he gladly told us he would give it to Nick. 2 days past and he didn’t seem like he’s ready to use the toilet, of course being that he wasn’t eating very well either. Then in the evening while I was on the phone and mummy in the other room, he locked himself in the bathroom and reappear minutes later declaring loudly that “I use the toilet to poop Mummy and Daddy” followed by “there’s mummy crocodile, daddy crocodile and Tyler crocodile” apparently Grandma told him last time while she was here that the toilet is a big pond and his poop are the crocodile. So he skipped using the potty and went straight for the toilet literally overnight. All my worries are unfounded.